Event: Visual Strategy: A Creative Workshop

Yesterday morning we kicked off our first creative work session in collaboration with Floricane and Ansel Olson.

The simple premise- think differently. About our communities, businesses and our city. We decided to pull together a group and see what it might yield.

Bringing together 20 really sharp people, we worked to navigate around the subject of our city. Richmond is a city of many treasures and intangible assets. The history, character, culture and diverse interests betray the size of the city.

We were thrilled by the work of the group. From simple notions of engagement and reflection, the character of the places in between and the ownership of the truth and history, the group articulated Richmond as a vehicle- a metaphor of many stories, interests and a rich history.

We look forward to continuing to build on this idea of thinking differently with Ansel and John. It’s the inspiration of change, growth and vision that is relevant to Richmond, but also our businesses and communities.