Thoughts on the prefix RE-

Thoughts on the prefix RE

Two years ago we decided as a family,  to make an annual retreat- an immersive trip to a new destination, to make a connection to our environment, to push our physical boundaries, and to spend time together. Here is some perspective and some lessons I find meaningful.



As a small business, checking out for several weeks is particularly disruptive but also entirely feasible with a little strategy. Staying connected is hardly the problem- few places are without connectivity, even in remote locations. The bigger challenge is disconnecting. It honestly takes me two or three days to unhinge my brain from projects, deadlines and client concerns. For me, a long (and I mean long) drive is a great way to disconnect.

Once I have 'let go' I am ready to manage my check in schedule. For me, I find it best if I get up very early- typically around 5 and deal with whatever business issues I need to , and then make a mental note to check back in the afternoon if there is any needed follow up. Thats it- any more and the projects start to take over and I am not present in the moment. There are some exceptions- a call, or special project issue, and I do my best to set these up in advance.


Stepping away from things allows me to redesign things a bit. Taking a longer view happens best when I am away. Away from the house, the studio, the regular meter of daily life. Disruption can lead to clarity and it restores my core purpose. Validating many things, questioning many things, and charting a path forward.


This year we hiked thirty miles in three days, mountain biked, climbed, cliff jumped and explored some rugged terrain. Breathing at 12,000' elevation while traversing a snowdrift along a 600' precipice puts you keenly in touch with your physical self, and makes so many seemingly important issues trivial. These moments can be transcendental if you let them.


Its a bit cliche, but a fair- you'll never get these moments again. With 13, 16 and 19 year old children, they are all stronger and more capable that I am, but we're still pretty much on par (I don't give in easily). This means we can share experiences in a way that won't last forever. Ok- I have at least 20 years in me, so don't write me off just yet. But I want to really live with my family and share meaningful experiences. If not now, when? 


Getting immersed in project issues. strategy, and studio life is exhilarating but a change of venue is necessary to adjust focus. I find I do better work if I have stepped away, even for a moment.   


The moral of the story- take the time you deserve, and make good use of it. Push your boundaries, engage and learn, make your own adventure, whatever that may be. You will be better, do better work and feel great. I promise.

People Strategy- Guest Bloggers Shawn Boyer and Greg Moyer

I find it useful to connect with people that have an entirely different perspective from my own. Always something to learn. It is generally interesting too, because (at least for me) they speak in a foreign way. Typically we align in values and general interests, but the way these folks read information, make use of it and return thoughts to the world is categorically different. 

So I thought it would be interesting to pose the subject of Workplace Innovation to Shawn and Greg- two business minds that have built a very innovative model- you may know if Snagajob and if not, look them up. You can learn more about their work here

Here is what they had to say:


What’s Your People Strategy?

I am an absolute believer that the only way a company ever attains its full potential is by creating an intentional People Strategy, which creates a culture that allows the company to attract and retain the best talent and get the best contribution from that talent.  

Of course you have to have a sound business strategy.  But, when you think about it, who creates that business strategy?  That talent.  Who iterates or potentially significantly alters that strategy based on changing market conditions?  That talent.  Who executes that strategy?  And, yes, that would be that talent again obviously.

It all comes back to who you have on the team and the environment that you create that allows that team to operate at its absolute optimal best.  As a TEAM.  Not just a collection of high performing individuals. 

That’s culture.  And, the only way to create that ideal culture for your organization - and anyone else’s for that matter! - is to develop an intentional People Strategy that provides the direction, framework and processes necessary to guide and sustain a purposeful and highly engaging culture.  One that the best talent wants to come to.  And to stay with.  And, that inspires them to give you their very best.


In my opinion, there are 3 key components to a People Strategy that creates that kind of winning culture:

  1. Building a Cohesive Leadership Team

  2. Creating Strategic Clarity

  3. Execution Via Reinforcing Practices

Without all 3 of these components, you won’t be able to optimize your culture.  Below is a snapshot on each of these 3 key components and why they’re so important.


  1. Building a Cohesive Leadership Team - As goes the leadership team, so goes the rest of the company.  A unified culture with every team member pulling in the same direction can only happen when the leadership team is aligned and functioning in a cohesive manner.  This is not a natural act for many leaders who feel more closely connected to the team that reports directly to them. In order to realize your company’s real growth potential, leaders on the top team must work together to co-create strategies and actions which are greater than the sum of their individual efforts.  This component of the People Strategy provides a framework for how the team will operate to leverage their collective capabilities in pursuit of a common purpose, vision, and strategy while ensuring clarity and alignment among team members throughout the company.

  2. Creating Strategic Clarity - Most, if not all, CEOs and leadership teams would say they have a sound business strategy.  But, is it communicated in such a way that clearly and concisely articulates to everyone in the organization the key strategic elements necessary for the company to thrive and differentiate itself from the competition, and provide a basis for decision-making, resource allocation and the alignment of goals?

It’s the leadership team’s responsibility to ensure there’s no ambiguity or confusion with what’s most important; otherwise it will act as a detractor to your growth; not a multiplier.  This Strategic Clarity component of the People Strategy provides the framework for linking the behaviors and the performance of every team member to your strategy and goals, and in turn, enabling them to directly contribute to the realization of the company’s growth potential.


  1. Execution Via Reinforcing Practices - The real potential of your company lies within the minds and hearts of each and every team member.  The opportunity to tap the full extent of their capabilities and performance in support of the company’s growth is available to every entrepreneur.  But only a few seize the opportunity.  And therein lies the distinct competitive advantage that is derived by those organizations that have a true People Strategy.  The key is to intentionally design and execute the people (HR) practices in a way that will directly reinforce the growth strategy and desired culture of your company.  This component of the People Strategy  provides the framework and reinforcing practices for aligning everyone’s behaviors and performance with the company’s core values and growth strategy; while building and sustaining a “Great Place to Work” that attracts and retains A-level talent and brings out the best in everyone on the team.

One thing is certain in business and that is change itself; at least in the companies that are constantly innovating and staying ahead of the curve. Whatever your 3 year strategy is today will look different in 3 years.  Markets will change.  The competitive landscape will change.  Consumer tastes, preferences and behavior will change.  The products you’re creating and services you deliver will change.  How you deliver them will change.

And, how well you navigate that change will be totally dependent on your ability to attract and retain the best talent and to get the best out of them working together as a TEAM - that’s culture (or at least that’s Good Culture!).  Make sure yours is as great as it can possibly be to help your organization be as great as it possibly can be.


Learning from Laggards

Or, what I learned from my peers with flip phone and .aol addresses

We poke a little fun at these folks. They still use facsimilies, are honestly confused by Twitter and buy Daytimers to organize their days on (gasp) paper. Almost everyone of them is over 50, maybe 60 and they've been around and seen a lot.

Recently,I took a step back from my snarky perch and looked a little harder at some great lessons these folks have taught me:


Technology does not make you better.

At anything. It's honestly a very primitive tool. it does make some of our tasks easier, and faster. Is faster always better? Rhetorical question. I still sketch by hand, because its the best, fastest way for rapid visualization.   


Virtual relationships are, well, virtual.

Workplace innovation is all about spontaneous collaboration, human connection and espousing core values to inspire and engage associates. Nothing puts a wall up faster than instant messaging, virtual meetings and email. The very tools designed to draw you closer can isolate and box you in. Again, they have value, but but it is a narrow sliver. Get up, walk around, look at peoples faces while you have a conversation


Keeping things simple has poetry and grace.

If you're scheduling your emails via Boomerang, and coordinating lists with Trello, while remembering to update your Instagram feed and say something relevant on Twitter, chances are good you'll lose sight of your clients priorities. or an internal development opportunity of one of your associates. With so much going on, you'll be forced to filter, and the filter might filter out something vital. 


Even if you are so now you'll soon be so last week.

Technological development is the food of digital entrepreneurs- they'll produce more and more. More than you can consume. There are 1,234,567 apps waiting for you right now. Really? Really. Use the tools that help you be better and do more, but don't overcomplicate things. Also, be open to experimentation, there is some really useful technology out there. The old dogs adage need not apply to anyone on two legs.


Being connected all the time is poison.

This is cliche at this point and while we all know it, many of us resist shuttering the connection, its so tempting to just check in. And then send that email, then look at that link and check your schedule for tomorrow, again. Stop. Let it go. Live in the moment.



Full disclosure- I'm as guilty as anyone. I'm Facebooked, Insta'd, Linked, Pinned and Twittered. I blog, email, even gchat and do my best to keep my web site relevant. The technology landscape is new and we are learning. I'm taking my best stab at balance- keeping current without losing sight of humanity. You can generally find me with either a digital interface in my hand, or a sketchbook and a few pens- I don't want to be a laggard, but don't mind some laggardly qualities now and then. Cheers.

Workplace Innovation

Second in our Workplace Innovation Series

The Marvin Lang Building


The Marvin Lang building is an incredible place. Really. And not because Ansel and I invented it. Hardly. We planted a seed of and idea, that truly was a bit selfish and more about ourselves than the creative community at large.  But since we opened the studio it has served to launch a dozen or so businesses directly, countless businesses indirectly, been host of many creative workshops, lectures, and community centered gatherings. We also work here, all day, every day, thinking, making creating and inspiring each other. 

The inspiration: The constant is change. In 2007, Ansel and I operated our respective businesses out of a meager space on the edge of civilization. It was a great place to start, and we both owe a debt of gratitude to Patrick Swistock for allowing us to share his space. As we grew, we realized two things- we needed a place that aligned with our design aspirations, and it needed to be nimble, creative, and fluid. I knew that why I launched Fraser Design was solid, but also knew that what Fraser Design made would be dynamic, and I wanted a place to welcome that opportunity.

The tenets: These were both early demands and evolutionary outcomes of the studio. Its the basis by which we do everything here. (1) Collaboration (2) Creative/Innovative (3) Diverse (4) Culture First.

Collaboration- The creative community is best when open to collaboration. The studio environment opens collaborative opportunities by design. No rooms, no wall, loosely defined areas. The citizens here join forces to work on unique project opportunities, but also simply benefit from conversation around an idea or over lunch. 

Creative/Innovative- The place lends itself to creative professionals, and we like that. There is a huge array of definitions of Creative or Innovative, so we welcome many, but laggards or linear types just wont feel at home in this place. There are locations better suited to those folks.

Diverse- Diverse people, diverse tastes, diverse businesses. We all do much better surrounded by those that live, think and act differently. Give perspective, scale, and a tangible reminder that the world is truly built on variety.

Culture First- The open environment makes the cultural ecosystem more profound. You really need to feel at home here and be at ease with everyone. You also need to be comfortable speaking up when its not. It's an entirely intangible quality, but you immediately know whether its working or not. We have been really lucky and maybe a little bit smart, the people we have here are fabulous. 

In Practice

A vision is always tempered by the marketplace and human limitations. The reality at Marvin Lang is no different. Some sobering moments- its not for everyone, and some do not prosper here. I always knew it would not be the prime environment for all, but I expected everyone to wish it worked for them. Some didn't. They didn't understand the setup, it was weird and foreign and not appealing.

Change comes slowly. I imagined the building as a case study for creative workplace innovation. That it might inspire our clients and network to think differently about their workplaces. Mixed results. Yes, the creative community has launched very innovative places like 1E, 804rva, Gather, 80amps and a handful I don't know about. The people there are young, innovative entrepreneurs. In more traditional setting, many classic workplace models are still in practice. As cultural inertia grows, these too will begin to change, but at a much slower pace.


The Future:

We are pushing harder. This year we'll blend our creative intellectual space with a creative maker space. We want to accelerate the time from concept to prototype and break the wall from intangible concepts to tangible constructs.


We will reach forward, and back. We are creating a studio that is a soft landing for entrepreneurs- the next generation of big thinkers. We are also building a mentorship environment so we don't lose legacy trades in design that are so powerful. Like drawing, with your hands, or building models.


We will seek to further blur the lines between Architecture, Interior, Graphic and Product Design. We are excited to be working with some companies to develop a leadership position in Workplace Innovation. We believe their work will set a new standard for companies seeking to build a more engaged and relevant ecosystem. More coming as these pursuits take shape...

Workplace Innovation


We have had some recent projects with larger companies and the subject of Workplace Innovation inevitably arises. We are doing some more comprehensive research on the subject, but here are some practical thoughts on this timely topic.

The study of workplace innovation has kept designers and furniture companies alive for over 50 years. As we emerged from the industrial age and wartime production, a new era of work began. We were generating content in new ways. Largely paperwork that required sedentary but efficient activity. We created the office.

This spawned the birth of office systems and space planning. Paired with the modernism mantra of 'a house is a machine for living' the workplace became 'a machine for economic prosperity'. Early design in this marketplace was innovative but clumsy. Military-like regimen that worked so well in factory production lines was reinterpreted as the office workplace with the expectation of similar outcomes. 

In General

Over a few generations of design evolution, patterns have begun to appear that challenge the aspiration of precision workplace engineering design.

Professional workplaces are not intellectual factories. Meaning, what works so well in product production line design does not correlate to intellectual production design. One is linear, the other dynamic. One requires isolation of activity, the other collaboration. One rejects human subjectivity and intuition, the other relies on it.   

We are not machines. Regardless of our setting- factory or professional office. While we embrace the systems created to make our work easier and efficient, we don't aspire to to structure our lives similarly. Beauty, joy and romance are wildly inefficient and subjective, and that is a good thing.

The workplace is more than a vessel for commerce. It is the physical manifestation of a companies vision, culture and value proposition. It speaks volumes.

So what does that mean in 2015? 

The design of the workplace is part of your competitive distinction. Companies typically think of competitive distinction externally. But if you want to attract the best and brightest, you'd better offer a great place to spend the day. Your business will do better, its a fact.

The workplace is becoming increasingly more dynamic. Our culture is moving away from static office environments. The ability to work where you want  with no loss in connectivity or effectiveness is still relatively new, but significant. This simple shift has been the awakening of the entrepreneurial community, and will soon define the traditional office environment.

The next generation thinks, acts and works quite differently. This is not an evolutionary development, its revolutionary. Leadership in the current workplace is well advised to narrow the chasm and seek to understand the opportunities here.

Strategy and Tactics.

Here are some of the things we do for our clients when designing workplaces. 

Build a diverse team. If you are designing new workspace, engage associates from across the spectrum in your organization. Its a little more work, but you get surprising insight. let your designer be the referee, have them work to filter the input so you have the tools to make good decisions.

Consider the entire workplace ecosystem. Space planning in a vacuum may be efficient, but will result in narrow uninformed results. Similarly, your marketing platform or human resources policies may not seem relevant, but a careful designer will see these types of things are part of the workplace experience and want to build around these

Engineer around What you do, Design around Why you do. This aims squarely at the next generation. Many competent designers can engineer your workplace to high levels of efficiency. But a true designer will manifest and articulate your core tenets- the WHY in your company and share it with customers, employees and candidates. Your workplace will develop a culture and brand that is honest and consistent with the vision of the leadership.

What's next

We keep up with innovation, the old guard and the next generation. Here's what we see:

Speed vs. Quality- I carry the complete library of data for all my projects in the palm of my hand. Generating content, sharing it, and making decisions is no longer restricted by time or place. We will need to adapt to make sure this ease and speed is leveraged, but does not come at the expense of thought and consideration. Hurry up and wait.

The narrowing gap between commodity and experience. Walmart told us that you must exchange experience and design quality for economy. Target says not so fast. Zappos just wants you to be happy, but still get your stuff fast and easy. Boutique brands that are difficult and overpriced are losing. We can design a beautiful experience, we can deliver efficiently too. We can be crafted and authentic, and we can be competitive with anyone. Raise the bars- all of them. 

Laggards and Innovators- Much of the leadership in our economy are laggards- flip phones and aol email addresses. Much of the next generation are innovators- Facebook is already last week and Apple is falling behind. We'll look to pair these- because the depth of experience of the leadership is profound and the nimble disposition next generation is too. Effective partnering can make really great work.  


Environment does not play the lead: #4 of 4 in the VIBE series

This graphic a map of the Fairmount neighborhood in Philadelphia, where I grew up. This environment had profound influence on me in a variety of ways: 

I saw the built environment as a cultural vehicle. And a machine. And a tool. And Fabulous.

I learned an environment is a very complex construct.

I was thrilled by the prospect of shaping and influencing the human experience.

Fabulous- Walking through the studios of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, into Foodstuffs Grocery just down the street, or strolling through the iconic John Wanamaker department store. These are just a few of the thousands of environments that shaped my world view. Each distinct, each designed with purpose. 

Complex- I stand in the reading Terminal Market. What is happening. Everything, all at once. The amount of energy is phenomenal, and contagious. I used to stand still there and try and observe everything- the sounds, smells and sights- and the character of each. Sensory overload in the best way

Thrill- To dance in that place where your role is integral to that complex, fabulous experience is a unique combination of opportunity, responsibility, authenticity and innovation. A lot all at once. 


Your environment can have positive, neutral or negative effect on your brand. When designing, consider this at every point. Different points will have varying degrees of impact- but everything has some impact. Avoid anything in the negative category.

The connection between your environment and brand is direct- both internally and externally. The stronger the tie, the better. 

People are visual, and while we filter a good amount of 'noise' it still gets registered at some level. Appearance matters. 

Genuine trumps facade. You environment should speak to your core values, when it works, it reinforces the other key aspects of your organization. The Wizard of Oz approach is tantamount to lying, and people will see through it. It's especially toxic to your internal culture.

Ultimately your environment is just a part of the entire equation- and it does not play the lead. Architects and Interior Designers pretend the building or space define the tenor of the experience. No. Culture, engagement, service, and product win every time. The environment is merely a vessel in service to this larger objective.


If you are launching an idea, its a great time to lay the perfect canvas from which to grow. Determine the basics, get them right and fill it out over time.

If you have an existing organization, assess your current environment and honestly review it relative to your brand. You might also ask a friend or peers to do the same, they will see it with fresh eyes. If your place needs work, make a list of these things in hierarchy. Many substantive improvements need not be very disruptive or expensive. If it is a total mess, make a plan to move on. 

Hire a design professional. We do a fantastic job with this kind of work, but so do many others. A great designer will read you well, and design a place that is an honest extension of you, your brand and your aspirations.   

BRANDING IS DEAD- #3 in the VIBE series

Branding is dead- maybe not dead, but really ill. Brand, Branded, Branding, Branded Environments, Brand Equity....Brand has become a a hollow word. So many people hanging their services on this simple word, but its not truly part of their practice. Brandwashing. Of course, there are agencies and firms that do excellent brand work- do your homework if your looking for services in this arena. 

Here is our perspective- 

Why do we include it in our four pillars of design strategy? 
Because true brand development is really important. 

Curating your Brand is not only important, it's an imperative. But your brand is not simply something you hire a designer to make, it is not a design exercise like your identity. Your brand is a living, evolving organism, and it has two distinct hemispheres. 

We believe the brand is the single most important component of a successful organization.

First-the two hemispheres:

Internal- The culture, gestalt, the day to day experience you, your peers and the people who work for you and the people you work for create. This is your internal brand, and it is the key to creating engaged members, retention, inspiring innovative and creativity, and doing powerful work. This 'brand' starts with the leadership and when done well, becomes the domain of every member of the organization.

External- This is viral, organic kind of brand. It's an opportunity to extend the reach of your vision well beyond your circle of influence.  Its directly linked to every single touchpoint in your client and personal interactions. It lives in the court of public opinion and can be very powerful.

Second- how to curate your brand.

There are pages and pages of writing on this subject, some of it very smart. Here is the way we look at it, in simple terms:

Get your language right. Everyone will tell their own version of the story of you- give them as many of the key words so the core message is consistent and tight.

Live your brand, and make it genuine. Your authentic self is truly an awesome thing if you let it be. If you talk the talk, walk the walk.

Don't be afraid. Your brand should be something you are a maven about. Not as a sales tool, but just because. Sales, revenue, that will follow. you just need bring all the energy you can muster to the dance.

Align the two hemispheres. If your internal and external brand attributes do not align, its trouble. Confusing your audience is just a bad idea. Make a promise to your clients that is consistent with the promise you make to your associates.  

Third-  How do I deal with my brand?

Take a minute and consider why you do what you do. Is it so your family can have security and a good living? Are you curious and like to solve problems? Are you a systematic maven and want to build the perfect machine or are you a romantic creative and want to embrace all that is beautiful in life?

What sort of organizational environment is perfect for you? A benevolent dictatorship or an entrepreneurial think tank. Open, closed? Song or dance? Chaos or Order?

If you've spent time developing your Identity, think about it. Outside of identifying you or your organization, it speaks volumes about the brand expectations.

Action- What should you do?

Live your personal brand to the fullest and be a champion of the brands you represent- your voice is powerful. If you can't be a brand ambassador of your organization, you're in the wrong place

Find three to five key qualities you espouse, your brand pillars. If you honestly consider the why of what you do, these will become apparent. Lead with them inwardly and outwardly.

Honestly, branding is easy- just look yourself in the mirror- its all there.

Giving it a voice in an understandable, distinct way requires some thought.
If you need help building your brand, don't be seduced by snappy identity work. Find a consultant that asks good questions, listens and connects your Vision, Identity, Brand and Environment.

Who are you? IDENTITY The second in the VIBE series


As a father of three teenagers, I see my children's identity develop over the course of years. But really, their identity was authored long ago, in their early years. It's in their teen years that it begins to be articulated and expressed outwardly. 

Companies and organizations are remarkably similar. New organizations establish their identity almost immediately, and mature ones merely need to look deeply to see their true core that has been lost in the layers of time. 

Here's the hard part- like the awkward teenage years can be. The outward expression and articulation that is authentic and individual. Connecting the dots of your new Vision or restoring life to the core tenets that started it all. This is a wonderful creative opportunity, and we enjoy walking our clients through the process.  There are dozens of ways to get to a Identity design, here are some things we do in the process:

We ask character questions- like are you song, or dance? or both?? Order or chaos? Tucked or untucked?  These seek to get to the familiar character- what would your organization be like among friends.

We ask benchmarking questions- like what kind of watch are you (Timex or Rolex, or maybe Swatch?) How about a car, or a chair? These are things that have broad, common outward definition in the marketplace. They are not prescriptive, but certainly descriptive.

Last (sort of) we ask energy questions- balanced or dynamic? Walking, running or sprinting? A ball of energy or a measured dose? These start to give clues to the internal culture and how that might lend to the design.

Last, (really) we get subjective. Cruise the interwebs, places like Pinterest. Find stuff you love, for whatever reason. There is a lot out there- some of it is really good, most is marginal. But its worth spending time there.

With all that in our hands, we go to work. The process is chaotic by design, with an overlay of system. Studies range in media, color, character and form. Trying to describe how we get across the chasm to a solution would be impractical, it just happens. Maybe it's magic.

Final notes: be adventurous, rigorous and engaged in the design process. You'll wear your identity everyday, it's got to be right.

Here is some process work we have in the studio right now. 

Thoughts on VISION. The first in the VIBE series


Vision, in pure literal terms, is the ability to see. In the creative world, we think of the word VISION as having the ability to see beyond the apparent. To see possibilities, or even impossibilities. This is an asset of real value to companies, organizations and individuals as they seek to grow an idea. The visionaries of the world are revered for their bravery and innovation- Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Tony Hsieh, etc. 

We think having vision is paramount. Here's why we think so, and some ideas to spark visionary thought-

Vision draws from your personal construct. You are your own best point of competitive distinction. By that I mean, your authentic self brings a unique component to the game, and its something that cannot be replicated. Step one, make your vision personal.

A strong Vision is a little bit frightening. But easy is already done. Easy has been tested and is a proven down-the-middle strategy. Problem is, its crowded there, and is a commodity, price driven marketplace. Pushing into a quality driven position requires a little (or a lot of) risk. Step two, unnerve yourself a bit with your audacity.

Vision is foundational, strategy and tactics are dynamic. Your vision needs to be rock solid, and non-negotiable. How you achieve the vision is an ever changing conversation as the marketplace shifts, your brand matures and the vehicles of commerce evolve. Step three- do yourself a favor and spend the time needed to get it tight and right.

What you do may not be visionary, why you do it sure ought to be. What your core business offers may be a commodity (think Zappos) but why is the key. Look up Simon Sinek- he'll explain it better than I ever could.

Here are a few things we do with our clients to get them to give voice their vision:

Ask 'who cares' and 'why does this matter'. You should be a maven for your vision, and passionate about its importance. You must believe your vision will change the world, even in s small way. If not, its commodity, not visionary.

The 5 why's. Make a vision statement.  Write down why it is important. Then write down why that answer is important. Lather, rinse repeat- 5 times to each subsequent answer. I guarantee you will get to a very personal definition of why your vision matters. 

Test it. Start with friends and see how it sounds. Friends are safe, they are generally easy on you. Then try it on some peers- people you know but are not close with. Last, if you are feeling bold, try a perfect stranger. I dare you. It wont hurt, and I bet you'll have to work hard. Good.

Don't get stuck. Move forward all the time. Its ok to try and fail and use these experiences as a way to define the vision. The thought that you can't get to work until you solidly land the vision is noble, but might put you into analysis paralysis. 

Walking the walk- absolutely. Here is the 37 vision.

We are designers. We love design, we are relentlessly creative, we believe it matters. Our work continually seeks to secure the prosperity of the next generation and leave this earth better than we found it. Design can save the world, give me five minutes, and I'll tell you why.

Without ice cream...

(Almost) everybody loves ice cream. We do, and have fun helping our clients Gelati Celesti deliver the best ice cream we have even had. The next chapter in the legacy is this upcoming location. They're building fast. you'll hear about it's opening pretty soon. You can keep tabs on them at
A little taste of what is coming. this is their Bon Air location

Ok. it's not much to look at right now, but you just wait...

Full Circle

We are watching a house we designed come out of the ground. It is a rewarding and exciting experience. Each visit reveals something new and unexpected.  As part of the project, we selected a handful trees to mill into lumber, and have just begun that work too. We'll use this material in the house for some doors and furnishings. Count this as a triple win- the owners get some beautiful material that is connecte to their land, we learn many new things about wood and woodworking, and some material get repurposed rather than shipped off somewhere.

Stay tuned as the project unfolds!


The opportunity to help build a personal vision is a design honor. We saturate ourselves in the minutiae of details and materials, all in an pursuit to make a place of memories, meaning and legacy. We love every design project, but reserve a special place in our hearts for the places we call home.


 In 2005, Fraser Design launched. With the premise of being in a constant state of change, we have, in eight years defined and redefined how we approach design, and really what the word 'design' means.


This year, we redesign ourselves a bit. A new site, some new initiatives, and a general disposition to MAKE IT BETTER. Hang on and stay tuned, we're turning up the volume.

Career Days

I had the opportunity to present to two career day events recently. ASID career day for Interior Design Junior and Senior college students, and Washington Henry Elementary School Career Day. Both were extremely enlightening and the student engagement was fantastic. 

What did I learn? 

The Generation Effect- the many discussions I hear about millenials and their focus are spot on. There were typical questions about resume and portfolio perfection, but many more about vision and alignment. Most were focused on character and culture as primary interest for a job. One person of over one hundred asked about money.

The amazing power of youth- kids are electric, enthusiastic, and given a small moment to create, just do not want to stop. As I turned on the faucet of interactivity, I could not turn it off. Relentless new ideas could have kept me there for a full day.


I realize our clients that our mid to large businesses struggle to effectively communicate to the emerging class of creative professionals.

I realize elementary school is a great place to start preserving creativity, but wish the middle and high schools would engage similarly.

College Design Students

Results of one of five sessions with elementary school kids
I realize this sort of activity gives me crazy energy and profound reward. I should do this more often.

What do you see?

Taking the opportunity to snap some images on the way to a meeting at VCU, I thought about what we see. As adults we filter much of what is presented in the visual spectrum- there is just too much competing for attention. I am amazed by how perceptive my children are, picking up the most minute shapes, objects and arrays. We should all look at bit more, I think. These are some of the things I saw on the way. What do you see?

Syracuse University Department of Design

I took a quick jaunt up to New York this week to visit some friends doing remarkable work shaping a vision for design education at Syracuse University. The facilities afford the tools, environment and culture of creativity and collaboration. The faculty and leadership are relentless creatives committed to the next generation of design leaders and the students are inquisitive, engaging and do some great work.

In my one hour talk- a combination of soapbox manifesto, call to action and invitation to greatness, the 70 or so students sat wide-eyed and engaged. One question to the group- do you consider yourselves leaders- yielded a nearly unanimous hands-up yes! I was beaming- my experience is that design students consider themselves followers rather than the emerging cultural leadership in the world. These guys are already there.

Keep your eyes on this school- with Lucinda, Jen, Ruth and Zeke building a vision, remarkable work will happen.